Comments on: PROOF POINTS: Four things a mountain of school discipline records taught us Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:33:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew StClair Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:33:57 +0000 The point of the article is that many behaviors are lumped into a broad category – which means individuals trying to analyze the data can’t know if a student is being suspended for beginning a physical altercation or being suspended for subjective reasons such as “attitude” problems.

Having these fall under the same category leads to a lot of “blurriness” when evaluating behavioral issues a school district is experiencing. It’s exceptionally difficult to understand what is happening when each district or state has its own categorization system.

By: Howard Dolgin Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:19:04 +0000 “Every school day, thousands of students are suspended for vague, subjective reasons, such as defiance and disorderly conduct.”
Nothing is vague or subjective about a teacher physically breaking up a fight and then having the mother/grandmother come to school and curse out the teacher. In urban schools, it happens many times a day.
Please teach in an urban school for a year or two. Then, write an article.
